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Pakistan | Family List | Hyacinthaceae | Dipcadi

2. Dipcadi serotinum (L.) Medik., In, Act. Acad. Theod. Palat. 6: 431. 1790. Baker in J. Linn. Soc. 11: 397. 1871; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 347. 1892; El-Gadi in Jafri & El-Gadi, Fl. Libya 57: 40. 1978; Deb & S. Dasgupta l.c. 52; Heywood in Tutin et al., Fl. Europ. 5: 46. 1980; Chaudhary, Fl. Kingd. S. Abraia 3: 199. 2001.


Dipcadi serotinum

Credit: Abrar Ali

  • Hyacinthus serotinus L.

    Bulb 20-35 x 15-30 (-60) mm, ovate, tunic papery. Leaves 2-4, 18-35 x 0.2-0.5 cm, linear, glabrous. Scape (10)-20-70 (-100) cm, (3)-10-16 flowered. Bracts 8-12 (-20) mm long. Pedicel 5-10 mm long. Perianth 10-18 mm, connate at the base to form a tube, outer 3 tepals reflexed at the middle, inner with reflexed tips, becoming straight after fertilization. Stamens at the throat of the perianth tube, anthers 2-4 mm. Ovary sessile, 3-5 mm, style 3-4.5 mm. Fruit 8-10 mm long and broad, subglobose to obovate. Seeds 4.5-5 mm, brownish black, shining, rotund, compressed, narrowly winged.

    Fl.Per.: March-May.

    Type: Spain, Herb. Linn. 438/4 (LINN).

    Distribution: S. W. Europe, North Africa, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, N. India and Nepal.

    Cytotypes (2n = 8, 16, 32) as well as B chromosomes (2n = 8 + 0 – 6B) are reported (Heywood l. c.).


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