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Pakistan | Family List | Rubiaceae | Ixora

1. Ixora coccinea L., Sp. Pl. 110. 1753. Roxb., Fl. Ind. 1: 375. 1820; Wight & Aim, Prodr. 427. 1825; Hook. f., Fl. Brit Ind. 3: 145. 1880; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bomb. 1: 611. 1902; Bor & Raizada, Meant. Ind. Climb. Shr. & Tr. 86. 1954; Bailey, St. Cycl. Hort 2: 1711. 1950.

English: Flame of the woods.


  • Ixora bandhuca Roxb.
  • Ixora grandiflora Ker
  • Ixora incarnata DC.
  • Pavetta bandhuca (Roxb.) Miq.

    Branched shrub, up to 1 in tall; branches glabrous. Leaves mostly sessile, opposite deccussate, 4-8-(16) x 1.5-6.5 cm. entire, apiculate, obtuse or mucronate, 8-15 pairs at lateral nerves, glabrous; stipules triangular, cuspidate or awned. Inflorescence terminal dense corymbiform cymes, peduncle very short or absent; bracts c. 8 mm long. Flowers sessile, bright scarlet hypanthium 1-1.5 mm long, glabrescent, teeth, c. 0.5 mm long, corolla-tube, 2.5-4.0 cm long, 1.5 mm wide, glabrous, lobes 8-10 x 4-5 mm, twisted in bud, throat glabrous. Stamens 4, inserted on the throat of corolla-tube, filaments very short, anthers deciduous, dehiscing just after opening of the flower when the stigma is immature, c. 2 mm long. Style exserted; stigma 1.5 mm long. Fruit globose, red when ripe, crowned with the calyx teeth. Seeds 2, planoconvex, rough and scaly.

    Pl. Per.: Throughout the year.

    Type: Described from India, Herb. Linn. 131/1 (LINN).

    Distribution: Native of India (Western Peninsula); widely cultivated throughout India, Pakistan and the tropics of both hemispheres.

    Flowers sacred to Shiva and Vishna; roots are also used medicinally.


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