Leonurus cardiaca L., Sp. Pl. 584. 1753. Blatter, Beaut. Flow. Kashmir 2: 129. 1928.
I.C. Hedge
Perennial with a spreading rhizome. Stems quadrangular, 50-100 cm (or more), regularly leafy, pilose to ± villous. Leaves variously dissected; lamina 3-8 x 2.5-8 cm, ± ovate in outline, deeply lobed, pilose to densely pubescent, with numerous small sessile oil globules below, ± prominently veined; petiole up to 3 cm below, less above. Verticillasters to 10-15 mm in diameter, numerous, distant below approximating somewhat above. Flowers sessile. Calyx c. 5 mm long, with 5 distinct veins or ribs, glabrous or pilose; teeth c. 3 mm long, triangular at base, abruptly subulate above, stiff to rigid; in fruit hard in texture with spreading teeth. Corolla rose or white, c. 12 mm long; upper lip densely white villous; tube obliquely annulate. Nutlets pale brown, c. 2.5 long, apically pilose.
Type: Europe (LINN 739/1 - microfiche!).
In the wide sense, i.e. including the several taxa that are recognized either as independent species or infra-specific taxa, this species extends from Europe through SW and C. Asia to parts of China. There is as yet no overall review of the species s.l.; only accounts in local or regional Floras. Although Rechinger’s account in Flora Iranica in which he recognizes 4 subspecies, based primarily on leaf and indumentum characters, is not completely satisfactory, I have followed him in accepting one variable ill-defined subspecies in our area.