Malachra capitata (Linn.) Linn., Syst.Nat.ed. 12.2:458. 1767. Mast, in Hook.f.,l.c. 329; Stewart in Nasir & Ali, Ann.Cat. Vasc.Pl.W.Pak. & Kash. 480.1972.
Sida capitata Linn.
Annual to perennial herb. Leaves orbicular to ovate, angular or slightly lobed. Flowers in axillary or terminal 5-7 heads. Petals yellow or white. Fruit depressed globose; mericarps obovoid, acute below, rounded above.
Lectotype: H.U. Herbs. Linn. 867.1 (LINN!).
Distribution: Native of tropical America. Introduced in the Old World.
It is said to occur in Sind (Murray, 1881) but I have seen no specimen from Pakistan.
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