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Pakistan | Family List | Labiatae | Satureja

Satureja hortensis L., Sp. Pl. 568. 1753. Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 632. 1972; Wealth of India, Raw Materials, 9: 237-238. 1972.

Vern.: Summer Savory.

I.C. Hedge

  • Satureja laxiflora C. Koch

    Annual to 35 cm. Stems branched with very short retrorse white hairs. Leaves spread over stem, linear to linear-lanceolate, 10-20 x 1-3 mm, tapering into an inconspicuous petiole, gland-dotted, with few simple hairs. Verticillasters conferted or distant, with 5-15 congested or lax flowers. Bracts c. 1.5 x length of calyces. Calyx ± bilabiate, 3-5 mm, gland-dotted and with simple hairs; teeth narrow linear to subulate, apiculate, to 3 mm, lower somewhat longer than upper. Corolla lilac, pink or white, 5-10 mm; tube included in or somewhat exserted from calyx. Nutlets broad oblong-ovoid, pale brown, 1-1.4 mm long.

    Fl. Per.: June-August.

    Described from S. France and Italy, (LINN 723/9 - microfiche!).

    Distribution: S. Europe and Turkey.

    According to R. R. Stewart (l.c.), sometimes grown as a culinary herb in Chitral, Hazara, Baltistan and Ladakh. It is the source of Oil of Savory (c.f. Wealth of India l.c.).

    Blatter et al. (Journ. Ind. Bat. 1: 234. 1921) recorded 2 species of Satureja from Baluchistan near Harboi: Satureja montana L. (vern. name "Purchink") and Satureja sp. (vern. name "Mashana Sosingi"). The relevant specimens have not been seen, but the determination as Satureja Montana (a European species) must be a mistake (possibly for Zataria).


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