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Pakistan | Family List | Poaceae | Tetrachne

Tetrachne dregei Nees, Fl. Afr. Austr. 1:376. 1841.

Tufted perennial, sometimes forming clumps a metre across; culms 20-75 cm high, erect. Leaf-blades 5-20 cm long, 2-4.5 mm wide when flat, glaucous, rigid and glabrous. Inflorescence composed of 5-9(-11) ascending spikes 15-3 cm long, separated by half to twice their own length. Spikelets 4-55 mm long, closely overlapping; glumes unequal, lanceolate, the lower 1.7-2.8 mm long, the upper 2.3-35 mm long; fertile lemma elliptic in profile, 33-3.7 mm long.

Type: South Africa, Drege..

Distribution: Pakistan (Baluchistan, introduced); South Africa.

Only one collection of this species has been made in Pakistan. It is undoubtedly an introduction from South Africa but its status in this country is otherwise unknown.


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