Aeginetia pedunculata (Roxb.) Wall., Pl. As. Rar. 3:13.t.219. 1832. Prain in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 74:365; Hook. f., l.c. 320 (p.p.); Ridley, l.c. 488, fig. 120; R.R. Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vas. Pl. W. Pak. & Kash. 670.1972.
Orobanche pedunculata Roxb.
Yellowish to reddish-brown fleshy herb, up to 15 cm tall. Peduncle 2-10 cm long. Calyx 3-5 cm long, pinkish to whitish. Corolla 6-7.5 cm long, c. 5 cm wide at the mouth, yellowish to white with violet or bluish lobes, crenate or erose at the margins; tube about as long as the calyx. Capsule ovoid, c. 2 cm in diameter, apiculate with a persistent style-base; seeds very small, brownish.
Type: “Habitat in Bengala, infra gramina altiora, praecipue varias species Bambusae, eorum raddicum parasitica (?) Viget, floret fructificatque subpluviis.".
Distribution: Himalayas, India, Malaysia to Indonesia and Cambodia.
Except the only record, cited above, this has never been collected again from the area. The record needs confirmation A taller species with slender, naked scapes, purple flowers and multi-fid placentae, Aeginetia indica Roxb., has been collected by Drummond [Drummond 26279 (E)] from Punjab.
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