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Pakistan | Family List | Orobanchaceae | Orobanche

Orobanche vulgaris Poir. in Lam., Diet. Bot. 4:621. 1797. Novopokr. in Kom., l.c. 91; Schi.-Czeika in Rech. f., l.c.16; R.R. Stewart, l.c. 673.

  • Orobanche buhsei Reut. ex Boiss. and Buhse
  • Orobanche caryophyllacea Smith
  • Orobanche epithymum var. buhsei (Rent. ex Boiss.) Boiss.
  • Orobanche galii Duby

    Perennial, stout, 15-40 cm tall, simple, yellow with purplish tinge, turning brownish when dried, glandular-pubescent. Scales yellow to purplish brown, ovate-lanceolate, up to 20 (-30) mm long. Spikes lax, few-flowered. Bracts ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, somewhat shorter than the corolla-tube. Calyx exceeding or as long as the bract, 2-segmented, each lateral segment ovate-oblong, shortly 2-fid to above the middle. Corolla 20-30 mm long, campanulate, glandular-pubescent, yellowish or tinged with reddish-brown, erect with curved back; tube-uniformly broad; lobes of almost equal size, subrounded, crisped and denticulate, lower ones almost fimbriate. Stamens inserted low down the corolla tube; filaments hairy below, glandular above; anthers pilose, almost woolly along the sutures, younger ones firmly coherent. Stigma bilobed, purple.

    Fl.Per.: July-October.

    Type: Described from Europe.

    Distribution: Europe, N. Africa, Turkey, Caucasus, Iran to Pakistan and Siberia.

    This broomrape occurs in the dry valleys of Kurram and Quetta districts.


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  • Illustration (M.Y. Saleem)
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