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Pakistan | Family List | Caryophyllaceae | Minuartia

2. Minuartia kashmirica (Edgew.) Mattf. in B. Jahrb. 57 (Belbl. 126): 32. 1921.


  • Arenaria foliosa (Royle ex Edgew. & Hook. f.) Majumdar
  • Arenaria kashmirica Edgew. ex Edgew. & Hook. f.
  • Minuartia lineata (C.A. Meyer) Bornm.
  • Minuartia lineata f. kashmirica (Edgew.) R.R. Stewart

    Caespitase perennial 5-20 cm tall, with a thick stout tap root, glandular-pubescent. Sterile shoots short, leafy; flowering shoots erect to glabrous with 2-4 deaf-pairs. Leaves 10-25 x 0.5-1 cm, linear, glabrous, acute, 3-nerved, sometimes rigid or deflexed, sterile shoots fasciculate. Leaves of the flowering shoots c. 10 mm, glabrous. Bracts smaller than the leaves, linear-lanceolate. Pedicels slender, sometimes spreading. Flowers 3-7, in dichasia. Sepals 4-5 mm, lanceolate, sharply acute, glabrous strongly 3-nerved. Petals about 1½ times longer than the sepals, white, obovate, entire, undulate. oblong. Seed c. 1 mm, rugose.

    Fl. Per.: June-August.

    Type: Kashmir, 5000-6000 ped., T. Thomson s.n. (CAL).

    Distribution: Afghanistan, Himalaya from Kashmir to Nepal, Tibet.

    Commonly found in dry rocky places up td 3800 m.


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