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Pakistan V. 205 Login | eFloras Home | Help
Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 205 | Polygonaceae | Koenigia

2. Koenigia delicatula (Meisn.) Hara, Fl. E. Himal. 70. 1966; in Hara et al., l.c. 174; Grierson & D.G.Long, l.c. 159; Munshi & Javeid, l.c. 50; Ronse Decr. & Akeroyd in Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 98: 368 1988. (Fig.3, E-H).

Polygonum delicatulum Meisn. in DC. Prodr. 14: 127. 1856; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 24. 1886; R. R. Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 205. 1972.

A selender, ± rarely erect glabrous herb, 5-15 (-30) cm long. Leaves distant with obscure nerves, alternate, sessile to subsessile, petiole c. 1 mm long, ovate or ovate-cordate, 3-5 (-6) x 1-3 (-5) mm, base rounded, quite glabrous; ochreae 1.5-2 mm, hyaline, bipartite, segments acute or obtuse, entire or ± crenate, slightly pubescent to glabrous. Flowers 3-4 in axillary clusters, pedicel c. 1 mm long, bract small, ± ovate, c. 0.5 mm long. Perianth 5-lobed, white, divided slightly more than half of their length, outer 2 small, ± elliptic, almost acute or obtuse, 1.5-2 (-2.5) x 0.75-1 mm. Stamens 2-3, filaments ± filiform, staminodes 3, almost equalling the stamens. Ovary trigonous with very prominent angles, styles 3, very short, stigmas ± capitate. Nuts trigonous, 2-2.5 mm long, exserted, shining, coriaceous.

Fl. Per.: July-September.

Holotype: Kumaon, 12000 ft, R. Strachey & J. E. Winterbottom 38 (G), Isotype (K!).

Grows in moist places between 3000-4500 m; Distribution: Kashmir to Bhutan, China.

It is readily distinguished from all other species of Koenigia of our region by its axillary fasciculate flowers while other species have flowers in terminal corymbs.


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