16. Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small, Fl. South East United States. 379. 1903; Hara in Hara et al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 178. 1982; Munshi & Javeid, Syst. Stud. Polygon. Kashm. Himal. 74. 1986.
Polygonum punctatum Elliott in Bot. Soc. Carol. Georgia 1: 55. 1817; R.R.Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 211. 1972.
Erect, 20-40 cm high, simple-branched, glabrous to pubescent or less hairy, annual herb. Stem simple or branched, glabrous to pubescent or ciliate. Leaves 1.5-7 x 0.4-1.75 cm, lanceolate to elliptic, acute - acuminate, pubescent, hairy or ciliate, margin entire, ciliate, glandular-punctate mostly on the ventral side. Ochreae 0.75-1.75 cm long, ciliate or fimbriate, ciliae or fimbriae ± equal to ochrea. Inflorescence few flowered terminal or axillary racemes. Ochreolae 1.0-2.0 mm long, ciliate or fimbriate, ciliae or fimbriae ± equal to ochreolae. Flowers, subsessile on erect ± decurved, axillary or terminal filiform 3-5 (-7) cm long racemes. Tepals 5, biseriate, unequal pink, obovate-elliptic, obtuse, acute 1.5-2 x 1-1.25 mm. Stamens 8, flaments ± equal. Ovary trigonous, elliptic; styles 3, free or free up to half with capitate stigmas. Nuts trigonous, 0.75-1 (-1.25) x c. 0.5 mm, brown, shining.
Type: Described from North America.
Reported from N.W.F. province from Akbarpur, B. L. Burtt 1045, 1052 (E), by R. R. Stewart, l.c. but we have not come across any specimen from our area. Seems to be a rare species. Also reported by Munshi & Javeid l.c. from Benhama (Ganderbal) and Srinagar, probably a recent introduction. Closely related to Persicaria pubescens in overall features but differs by having erect racemes and smaller nuts whereas in P. pubescens the racemes are drooping and nuts are larger; Distribution: North and South America, introduced elsewhere.