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Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 205 | Polygonaceae | Rumex

10. Rumex crispellus Rech. f., spec. nova. (Fig.25, A-C).

Differt a R. crispus caule humiliore, tenuiore, simplice vel breviter pauciramoso ramis axi principali ± appressis. Folia basalia (fragmentarie tantum visa) et caulina inferiora proportione longius petiolata, angustiora, plana vel extremo margine tantum crispata; folia inflorescentiae ramos fulcrantia longissime petiolata, anguste linearia, utrinque longe tenuiter attenuata. Pedicelli tenues, quam valvae frunctiferae 1.5-2 (-3) plo longiores. Valvae fructiferae ± 3.5 mm longae et latae, rotundato-cordatae apice rotundatae vel latissime attenuatae, margine integrae, tenuiter membranaceae, aequaliter tenuiter reticulatae, omnes callum crassum subglobosum vel oblongo globosum ferentes, callus valvae anterioris majore.

Perennial with tap root. Stem 25-45 cm high, thin, strictly erect, with few and short appressed branches of the very dense panicle or unbranched. Basal leaves unknown; lower stem leaves lanceolate, tapering at both ends, flat, up to 9 x 2 cm; petiole about twice as long as the breadth of the leaves; upper stem leaves few, gradually narrower, more acute and with shorter petiole. Pedicels thin, about as long as or up to nearly twice as long as the valves, articulate below the middle. Outer perianth segments c. 1.5 mm long, appressed to the base of the valves. Valves about 3.5 mm long and broad, rounded-cordate in outline, membranous, thinly and distinctly reticulate, with entire margin, all three valves grain bearing, the grain of the anterior valve larger, subglobose.

Holotype: Chitral: Ayun, in running ditch water, 4900 m, 8VII. 1968, Yasin Nasir 4982 (RAW).

Distribution: Pakistan (Chitral, Hazara, Kurram) and Kashmir. Still incompletely known.

Rumex crispellus differs from R. crispus mainly by the small size of the valves.


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