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Pakistan | Family List | Agavaceae | Agave

6. Agave decipiens Baker in Kew Bull. 184. 1892. Bailey, Stand. Cyclop Hort. 1:232.1919; Parker, For. Fl. Punjab, 514.1918.


Caudex up to 1 m or slightly more. Leaves dense rosulate, rigid up to ± 1 m long; apex long pointed, 12-18 mm long lamina glabrous and green on both surfaces, channelled in transverse section. Inflorescence ± 5 m or more long, paniculate with many bulbils. Flowers c. 7.5 cm long, greenish-yellow, funnel-shaped, arranged in compact clusters. Perianth segments 6, longer than the tube, lanceolate, spreading. Stamens 6, attached to the perianth tube, anthers ± 10 mm long. Style as long as stamens; stigma 3-lobed.

Type: USA: Florida, Biscayne Bay and Lake-Worth area, C.R. Dodge (K).

A cultivated species reported from Lahore by Parker (op. cit.). It can be distinguished from other species by its glossy green leaves which are channelled in transverse section. Marginal spines are green, small and sharp. Baker (op. cit.) mentions the marginal spines as brown-black and not green (fide Parker, l.c.).


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