Cassia hochstetteri Ghesq. in Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux. 9: 155. 1932. Ali & S. Quraishi in S.U. Sci. Res. J. 3:9. 1967.
Annual, prostrate or erect herb, up to 45 cm long. Stem with short curved yellowish hairs (long spreading hairs absent). Leaves 1.5-6 cm long, circular or broadly elliptic, sessile gland near top of petiole, rachis eglandular, channelled but not crenate-crested along upper side. Leaflets sessile, 9-31 pairs, linear-oblong or elliptic-oblong, 4-10 mm long, 1-2 mm broad, rounded to acute and mucronate at apex, glabrous with a few short hairs on the margin. Inflorescence supra-axillary, 1-3 flowered. Pedicels 3.5-10 mm long, puberulous. Petals yellow, 4-5 mm long, 1.5-5 mm wide. Stamens only 4-5. Pods 1.5-4.3 cm long, 3.6-6 mm broad. Seeds brown, without areoles.
Fl. Per.: August-September.
Lectotype: Abyssinia, Mont Sholoda, 22 Sept. 1837, Schimper 66 (BR, lecto; K, isolecto).
Distribution: W. Pakistan (N.W.F. Province); India (Punjab, Kumaon, Assam, Bengal) Ethiopia; China; Japan.