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Pakistan | Family List | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbia

30. Euphorbia tibetica Boiss. in DC., Prodr. 15(2): 114. 1862. Hook f., Fl. Brit. Ind., 5: 260. 1887; Prokh. in Fl. URSS 14: 385. 1949; Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Fl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 453. 1972.


A procumbent or decumbent-ascending glabrous glaucous somewhat fleshy perennial herb up to 20 cm, although commonly 5-10 cm tall, with many stems arising from caudiculi borne on a long, narrow woody rootstock. Stem-leaves alternate, subsessile, very variable in shape and size, obtriangular, oblanceolate, oblong or linear, 0.1-3 x 0.1-0.5 cm, acute, obtuse, truncate, refuse or tricuspidate at the apex, tapered to the base, entire or irregularly or remotely denticulate in the upper half, obscurely palmi- and penninerved. Pseudumbels (2-) 3-rayed, the rays commonly dichotomous and thereafter proliferating; axillary rays or branches sometimes developed on the main stem below the pseudumbels; pseudumbel-leaves (2-) 3, whorled, often larger than the stem-leaves and ovate-lanceolate to linear-lanceolate in outline; ray-leaves opposite, smaller than the pseudumbel-leaves but resembling them in outline. Cyathia shortly pedunculate, broadly campanulate. Glands transversely oblong, rounded on the outer edge, madder, maroon or black. Fruit long-pedicellate, rounded-lrilobate, ovoid, 4 x 4.5 mm, smooth. Styles free, 0.5 mm long, bifid, the stigmas strongly recurved. Seeds oblong-ovoid, 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.25 mm, smooth, grey, with a small terminal conical caruncle.

Fl. Per.: Jun: Aug. Fr. Per.: Aug.

Syntypes: India, Himachal Pradesh, Spiti [Piti], Dankhar [Dankar], 2 Sept. 1847, T. Thomson s.n. (K); Isosyntype (P); Kinnaur [Kanawer, Kunawar], Jul. 1830, V. Jacquemont 1948 (P); Uttar Pradesh, Pithoragarh [Kumaon], Lapthal [Laptel], without date, R. Strachey & J.E. Winterbottom 6 (K); Isosyntype (P).

Distribution: Soviet Central Asia, W. Tibet, NW India, W. China. In sandy, stony soil on stream-banks, in ravines, on shifting gravel slopes, screes and rocky slopes, in very dry places in high-altitude desert; 8000'/2440 m. - 15000'/4570 m.(- 17000'/5180 m).


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