11. Geranium wallichianum D. Don ex Sweet, Geran. 1:tab. 90. 1821. Edgew. & Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 430.1874; Knuth, l.c. 194; Blatter, l.c. 65; Schönbeck-Temesy, l.c. 25.
Vern.: ‘rattanjot’.
Perennial 40-60 cm tall, eglandular, pubescent to pilose; rhizome stout, vertical. Stem ascending, diffuse. Leaves 5-angled, palmati-partite or sect, 3-11 cm broad, pilose-pubescent; segments broadly ovate-rhombic, pinnatifid or deeply so into acute lobes; stipules 8-20 x 6-12 mm, elliptic-obtuse or oblong, pilose-pubescent, apex sometimes 2-fid or irregularly toothed; petiole 3-12 cm long, retrorsely pubescent-hairy. Peduncles up to 13 cm long, 2-flowered, pubescent-retrorsely hairy. Flowers 3- 4 cm broad. Pedicels 4-6.5 cm long, retrorsely hairy, ± deflexed in fruit. Bracts 10-15 mm long, broad lanceolate, acuminate, apex 2-fid. Sepals 8-10 mm long, elliptic-oblong, 3-nerved, pubescent-pilose. Petals 1.5-2 cm long, slightly retuse, mauve, claw dense ciliate. Filaments and styles reddish, dilated half of the filament obovate, often ciliate and pubescent. Beak 2.5-3 cm long, pubescent-puberulous within on dehiscence (rarely patent hairy). Mericarps patent hairy. Seed 5 mm long, oblong, minutely reticulate.
Fl. Per.: July-September.
Type: Goshain Than, Wallich 8558 (B, iso-K!, BM!).
Distribution: Afghanistan and N.W. Himalaya.
Common as a forest undergrowth from 1600-3300 m. Typically, the species can easily be recognised by its large oblong to oval stipule but there are forms of this plant found in Hazara and Kashmir (Fig. 3, A-E), with a more slender habit, smaller stipules (2-10 mm), leaves, petal and seed size.
Occasionally the species may also have pale white flowers. The plant parts are astringent and used as a cure for tooth; ache.