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Pakistan | Family List | Acanthaceae | Thunbergia

1. Thunbergia erecta (Benth.) T. Anderson in J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. 7: 18. 1863. Bor & Raizada, Beaut. Ind. Climb. & Shrubs 107. pl. 38. 1954; Lanewala & H.M. Nasir, Dec. Fl. Kar. 65. 1982.


  • Meyenia erecta Benth.

    A glabrous, upright, upto 1.25 m tall undershrub. Leaves late-ovate to elliptic-ovate to obovate, 3-8 x 2-4 cm, basally rounded, distantly serrate, acute, apiculate. Flowers purple-blue to dark blue, up to c. 6 cm long, c. 4 cm across, usually solitary axillary; Bracts 15 x 10 mm, deciduous. Calyx teeth c. 15, subulate, glandular hairy. Corolla tube ± curved yellowish-white or white, glandular hairy outside, lobes subequal, c. 1.5 cm long, obtuse. Staminal filaments glandular-hairy; anthers oblong, c. 4 mm long, bearded, mucronate. Style c. 3.5 cm long; stigma 2-lobed, upper lobe upright, lower patent.

    Fl. Per.: November-March.

    Type: Described from Niger.

    Distribution: A native of W. Tropical Africa, introduced and widely grown in gardens in tropical countries.

    Cultivated for its large showy flowers in Karachi and elsewhere.


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