Begonia echinata Royle
Herb, 10-18 cm tall, with a rhizome. Leaves few, 4-12 x 3.5-10 cm, broadly ovate, doubly serrate, base cordate, apex acuminate, upper leaf surface pilose, lower pilose on veins. Leaves often blotched purple or variegated. Petiole 3-10 cm, hairy; stipules c. 4 cm, lanceolate, pilose. Peduncles villous. Male flower: Outer segments c. 1.2 x 2 cm, sub-orbicular to broadly ovate, obtuse, pink, pubescent on the outer surface, more towards the base; inner segments c. 3 x 8 mm, oblong, pink-white. Stamens numerous, monadelphous. Female flower: Segments 5, 8-12 mm long, ovate-oblong, pubescent on the outer surface. Styles 3, persistent; stigmas branched, twisted, papillose. Ovary tri-locular, pubescent when young. Capsule pendulous, 7-20 mm long, 3-winged; wings pointing upwards, green, unequal, 3-8 mm, 7-20 mm and 7-25 mm broad, all pubescent. Seeds brown, oval.
Fl. Per.: Aug.-Sept. Fr. Per.: Oct.
Type: Described from the Himalayas.
Distribution: The Himalayas, from 700-2000 m.
Found growing here in moist shady locations, on rocks and banks, in Panjar, Kotli, Mirpur areas and Ghora Gali.