Cedrela serrata Royle, I11. Bot. Himal. Mount. 144. 1835. Collett, Fl. Siml. 83. 1902; Brandis, l.c., Parker, l.c. 71.
Vern.: "Drawi" or "Darl"
Toona serrata M.
Tree, up to 20 m tall. Leaves imparipinnate, 50-80 cm long; leaflets 7-16 cm long, 2.5-4.5 cm broad, opposite to sub-opposite, elliptic to lanceolate, serrate. Flowers in drooping panicles, up to 1.5 m long. Sepals 2 mm long, obovate, margin ciliate. Petals oblong, 5 mm long, imbricate, cream-coloured. Stamens 5, alternating with 5 staminodes; anthers c. 1.2 mm long, apiculate, dorsifixed; filaments c. 4 mm long. Disc glabrous, 5-lobed. Ovary glabrous. Capsule 5-locular, c. 3 cm long, oblong, brown. Seeds 1.5 cm long, winged at the upper end.
Fl. Per. May June.
Type: Valleys of the Himalaya, Royle (LIV).
Distribution: Upper Burma, India and Pakistan.
A hardy tree, usually found in moist shady places from 1000 m to 2500 m. The wood is used for making furniture.
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