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Pakistan | Family List | Rubiaceae | Galium

20. Galium acutum Edgew. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 20: 61. 1851. Hook. f., l.c. 208; Bamber, Pl. Punj. 533. 1916.


  • Galium himalayensis Klotzsch

    Prostrate to suberect perennial herb, stem 4-angled, ± glabrous, stem and branches very leafy. Leaves 6 in a whorl, minute, generally 5-8 x 1-3 mm, linear-lanceolate, aristate-acute-mucronate, glabrous, sessile, midrib conspicuous, margin often recurved. Inflorescence solitary axillary very rarely with 2 axillary flowers, peduncle very short, always shorter than flower, enlarged and straight in fruit. Corolla white, lobes ovate-lanceolate, acute, c. 1 mm long. Stamens shorter than corolla-lobes. Fruit glabrous-granulate, c. 2 mm in diameter.

    Fl. Per.: August-September.

    Holotype: Himalaya, ad alt. pad. 10,000-11,000', Badhrinath, Edgeworth (K).

    Distribution: Temperate Himalayas, Nepal, Sikkim, India and Pakistan.


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