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Pakistan | Family List | Geraniaceae | Geranium

12. Geranium lambertii Sweet, Geran. 4: tab. 338. 1827. Schönbeck-Temesy, l.c. 26.


  • Geranium eriostemon D. Don
  • Geranium grevilleanum Wall.

    Plant 45 cm or more tall. Stem ascending, pubescent. Leaves reniform, plamatipartite, 5-angled, 5.5-7 cm broad, lobes rhomboid cuneate, lamina pubescent-villous; stipules 0.9-1.4 cm long, broad lanceolate, pubescent to sparsely villous, sometimes apex 2-fid. Petiole up to 7 cm long, dense villous at the base of lamina. Peduncles up to 18.5 cm long, 2-flowered, appressed pubescent-glandular, bracts 0.7-1.4 cm long, lanceolate. Sepals 10-12 mm long, elliptic ovate, glandular hairy, especially on the nerves; awn 1 mm long. Petals 1.4-2 cm long, base villous. Upper 2/3 of the filaments dense villous (black in dried state).

    Type locality: Nepal.

    Distribution: The Himalaya from Kumaon to Sikkim.

    Description based on a specimen from Bhutan (coll. No. 905, K). Reportedly collected by Kitamura and Honda from Swat (Sch6nbeck-Temesy, l.c.); I have not seen the specimen, but if correct, an interesting westward extension of the range. Resembles Geranium wallichianum, but differs in the narrower stipules, the villous filaments and shorter sepal awn (1 mm).


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