1. Hackelia uncinata (Royle ex Benth.) Fischer in Kew Bull. 1932. 298. 1932. I.M. Johnston in J. Arn. Arb. 51(3):398.1970.
Cynoglossum uncinatum Royle ex Benth.Echinospermum glochidiatum A. DC.Lappula uncinata (Royle ex Benth.) FischerParacaryum glochidiatum (A. DC.) Benth.
Perennial branched herb up to 90 cm tall. Basal leaves petiolate, ovate to elliptic-ovate, sometimes cordate, including petiole, 50-100 x 35-45 mm, acuminate pubescent on lower surface, strigosely so on upper, lateral nerves 4-5 pairs. Fruiting pedicels recurved. Calyx lobes 2-2.5 mm long, ovate-oblong, pubescent, up to 5 mm in fruit. Corolla pale blue to sky blue, rotate-campanulate, tube ± calyx limb 13 mm broad. Throat scales c. 1 mm, broader than long, minutely papillate Anthers slightly protruding from the throat. Nutlets ovoid, winged; margin of wings with appendages up to 2 mm long; middle dorsal area minutely tuberculate pubescent. Style c. 1 mm long.
Fl. Per.: June-July.
Type: Choor, Kunawar, Royle s.n. (K).
Distribution: Swat, Kashmir eastward to Nepal, Bhutan, N. Assam, W. China.
Found in the forest zone between 2400-3500 m.
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