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Pakistan | Family List | Acanthaceae | Hemigraphis

Hemigraphis latebrosa var. rupestris Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. But. Ind. 4: 424. 1884. Cooke, l.c. 434; Duthie, Fl. Upper Gang. Plain rep. ed. 191. 1973; R.R. Stewart in Nasir & Ali, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. Pak. & Kashm. 675. 1972.


A diffusely branched, viscidly white pubescent, rigid herb, up to 80 cm, with obtusely quadrangular stems. Leaves on 1.5-3.5 cm long petioles; lamina ovate, 2.5-7.5 x 1.5-3.5 cm, densely pubescent, often viscid aromatic, narrowed at base, crenate-serrate, acuminate. Flowers in dense, axillary and terminal heads, blue; bracts ovate or elliptic, entire, ciliate on margins, acute, outer ones longer than calyx; bracteoles absent; Calyx lobes linear, c. 8-9 mm long, whitish with green tips, ciliate on margins, one lobe larger than the rest. Corolla tube narrow, yellowish, 1.2-1.5 mm long; limb lobes blue, obovate, 3-4 mm long, obtuse. Filaments of shorter stamens glabrous; longer filaments beset with long white hairs below the oblong anthers. Capsule 6-8 mm long, minutely pubescent, 6-seeded. Seeds yellowish-brown, ellipsoid, hairy.

Type: “Specimina accepti a veneratiss. Beni. Hevne ex India Orientali”.

Distribution: India and Pakistan.

Reported from C-7 Murree Road, c. 4000 ft., in pine forest by R.R. Stewart (l.c.). It seems to be rare or undercollected in our area. It differs from the type variety in its viscid, denser pubescence, denser flower heads and more rigid stems.

The present authors have not seen any material from the Flora area.


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