Lysimachia heterophylla D. Don
A glabrous, erect, branched plant up to 35 cm tall. Stem subangular. Leaves linear-lanceolate, 30-80 x 3-6 mm, upper alternate, lower opposite, decurrent, margin crisp, minutely papillate, under surface glandular-punctate (black dotted), midrib prominent, impressed above; petiole indistinct. Flowers in lax leafy racemes. Lowermost bracts 2.3-4 (-4.5) cm long, solitary, upper ones smaller. Pedicel 3-5 mm long, up to 10 mm in fruit, sparse glandulose. Calyx 4.5-5.5 mm long, 2/3 rd cleft, apex attenuate; lobes 3.5-4.5 mm long, lanceolate, glandular streaked, margin crisp, sparse glandulose, papillose towards the apex. Corolla campanulate. Filaments shorter than the lobes, c. 1.5 mm long, monadelphous at the base to form an obscure glandulose tube adnate to the corolla; anthers oblong-ovate, apiculate, sparse glandulose, medifixed, less than the filament in size. Ovary c. 1.3 mm broad, ovoid-globose, style 3-3.5 mm, shorter than the calyx; stigma indistinct, ± subcapitate. Capsule globose, 3-3.5 mm broad, included. Seeds 18-32 in number, c. 1 mm long, trigonal, reticulate, vesiculose margined.
Fl. Per.: July-August.
Holotype: Kumaon, Wall. 1486 A (K! iso. E! BM!).
Distribution: From Rawalpindi District and Kashmir eastward to Nainital, Nepal.
There is some difference of opinion amongst various workers as to the flower colour. Klatt (1866) mentions them as rose-red. J.D. Hooker (1882) states the colour to be white, while Collett (1903) as pale purple. Duby (1844) and Knuth (1905) as yellow. Most of the sheets examined of Lysimachia pyramidalis, make no mention of the colour. However one sheet examined (Gokarna, Thapa and Pradhan 4536, BR), mentions the flower as whitish.