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Pakistan | Family List | Rubiaceae | Oldenlandia

1. Oldenlandia nudicaulis Roth, sp. nov. 96. 1821. Hook. L, Fl. Brit. Ind. 3:70.1880; R.R. Stewart in Nasir & Ali, Ann. Cat. Vase. Pl. Pak. Katsina. 688. 1972.


  • Hedyotis nudicaulis (Roth) Wight & Am.
  • Oldenlandia rotundifolia G. Don

    Annual herb, 5-15 cm including elongated inflorescence. Stem hairy pubescent, generally up to 5 cm long, naked to the first whorl of leaves. Leaves in a whorl of 3-4, 2-6 x 1-4 cm, unequal elliptic or ovate, entire, rounded, obtuse-acute, midrib and lateral nerves distinct; upper surface ± glabrous, lower sparsely hairy with short, white appressed hairs. Inflorescence an elongated corymbose dichotomous cyme; peduncle 3-6 cm long, sparsely hairy. Flowers white, c. 3 mm long, pedicel 2-3 mm long, much elongated in fruit. Calyx cylindrical, teeth minute, lanceolate, not distinct in fruit. Corolla-tube c. 0.8 mm long, lobes c. 1.2 mm long, obtuse. Capsule obconical, c. 2 mm long and c. 3 mm wide.

    Fl. Per.: September-October.

    Type: ‘Ab honoratiss. Heyne innominatum hauc plantain accepi ex India orientali’.

    Distribution: Indo-Malaya, lava, Assam and Pakistan.

    This Indo-Malayan element is rather rare in our area.


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