I.C. Hedge
Majorana horensis Moench
Subshrub. Stems up to 80 cm, grey pubescent with antrorse hairs. Leaves up to 25 x 25 mm, oblong to suborbicular, obtuse, greyish white with short adpressed hairs, petiolate. Flowers in compact subglobose or 4-angled spikes, c. 6 x 4 mm. Bracts greyish white broad obovate, apically rounded, greyish white and gland-dotted. Calyx c. 2 x 1.5 mm, sheath-like, pubescent, gland-dotted. Corolla white, 3-7 mm. Nutlets suborbicular c. l x 1 mm.
Fl. Per.: June-September.
Type: Linnaeus (BM).
Distribution: Endemic to Cyprus, but cultivated in many parts of the world as a culinary herb.