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Pakistan | Family List | Saxifragaceae | Saxifraga

Saxifraga duthiei Gandogar in Bull.Soc.Bot.Fl. 46.419. 1899. Blatter, Beaut. Flow.Kashm.1:124.1928; Stewart, Ann.Cat.Vasc.P1.W.Pak. & Kashm. 342.1972.

Densely caespitose. Leaves opposite, crowded, glabrous, ovate, apex obtuse, keeled below, pitted; pits 3-7, apical and marginal on the upper leaf surface. Flowers pale-rose, solitary. Sepals ovate, obtuse, sparsely glandular. Petals narrowly obovate, c. twice the length of sepals. Staminal filaments as long as the petals.

Type: Baltistan, Duthie 10212.

Distribution: Probably endemic to Baltistan; grows at c. 3300 in.

Reported by Stewart, l.c. from Baltistan, under another Duthie number (no. 12202), but I have not seen any specimen.


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