18. Androsace akbaitalensis Derganc in O. Fedtschenko, Fl. Pamir. 143. 1903. in Acta Horti Petrop. 21:371. 1903.
Plant caespitose, forming ± dense patches, stoloniferous. Stolons chestnut brown. Leaves pale green, in ± Flattened rosettes; outer leaves oblong-obtuse to subspathulate, inner ones elliptic-lanceolate to oblanceolate, 4-8 x 1.5-2.0 mm, glabrous except for upper half of lamina which has short white strigose hairs 0.18-0.50 mm x 17.4-28.1 u; margin ciliate-glandulose, with the longer hairs 2-3-septate, articulate and flat. Scape (6-) 9-22 mm long, 3-6-flowered, glandular-pubescent, the hairs biseptate, ± spreading. Bracts 3-4 m long, broad lanceolate-obtuse, glandular-pubescent. Flowers white to lilac or pink. Calyx 3 mm long, campanulate, 1/3 rd cleft; lobes subobtuse, entire, 2-7 x 2.5-3 mm, throat annulate. Ovary c. 1 mm broad, globose-depressed, style less than 1 mm long. Capsule not seen.
Fl. Per.: June-July.
Holotype: described form the pamir (Syntype LE!).
Distribution: C. Asia, Karakorams to N.W. Tibet.
The species bears resemblance to Androsace baltistanica, but differs in the much shorter and stiff hairs on the leaves, the shorter pedicels and more flowers per umbel. R.R. Stewart (1972) mentions the flower colour to be yellow. It is actually white or a shade of pink. Androsace akbaitalensis is also akin to Androsace coronata Watt (from W. Tibet & E. Ladak), but differs in the loose habit, dimorphic leaves and narrower bracts.