Bergia aestivosa Wight & Arnott, Prodr. Fl. Pen. Ind. Or. 1:41. 1834. Thisleton Dyer in Hook. f., 1.c.; Kashyap, I.c.; Rech. f., 1.c.
Non-aromatic, woody at base, glabrous or sub-glabrous, erect, 30-40 cm tall undershrub. Branches numerous, opposite, thin, long, divaricate. Leaves opposite, sub-sessile or shortly petiolate, obovate-oblong or narrow oblong, attenuate, lower leaves 25-30 mm long, 7-10 mm broad, linear and very small on branches bearing flowers, apex acute, margins crenate to entire; stipules setaceous, 1-4 mm long. Inflorescence solitary or loose axillary fasciculate cyme of 2-4 flowers. Flowers white to pinkish, 4-5 mm across; pedicel 1-3 mm long. Sepals 5, free, lanceolate, acute, slightly keeled, denticulate with glabrous membranous margins, 2-3 mm long. Petals 5, free, obovate-oblong, 3-4 mm long, mucronate, entire, white to pinkish, transparent. Stamens 10, equal or alternately shorter. Carpels 5, united; ovary ovoid, 5 sulcate; styles 5, free, straight. Capsule whitish pink, ovoid, 5-locular. Seeds numerous, minute, dark brown to black.
M. Per. December.
Lectotype: Pen. Ind. Or. Wight 156 (K).
Distribution: W. Pakistan, India.