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Pakistan | Family List | Plumbaginaceae | Acantholimon

Acantholimon longiflorum Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Or. Nov. Ser. 2 (4) :63. 1859. Bunge in Mem. Acad. Sc. Petersb. ser. 7.18, 2:57.1872; Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:849. 1879; Rech. f. & Koeie in (Symb. Afghan. 5.) Biol. Skr. Vid. Selsk. 10.4.64. 1963.

Laxly pulvinate shrub; branches long, + bare at the lower part. Leaves heteromorphic; summer leaves glaucous - green, linear - subulate, smooth-margined, glabrous, early-evanescent. Scape slender, branched, fragile, exceeding the leaves. Infloresecence a panicle; spikelets stalked, remotely arranged along the branches of secondary order, always 1-flowered, 3-bracteate; outer bract ovate-triangular, acute, scarious-margined, inner bracts oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 1 to 2 times as long as the outer bract, obtuse; mucronate, broadly scarious-margined. Calyx sub-tubular, distinctly 5-lobed; lobes narrowly triangular, acute; nerves in the middle of the lobes, reaching the margin.

Fl. Per.: July-October.

Syntype: Choky & Kuehlah, Afghanistan, Griffith (K); near Dooband, Baluchistan, Stocks 927 (K).

Distribution: W. Pakistan and Afghanistan.


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