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Pakistan | Family List | Plumbaginaceae | Psyllisotachys

Psylliostachys suworowii (Regel) Roshk. in Kom. Fl. USSR. 18:469. 1952.

  • Statice suworowii Regel

    Annual glabrous herb. Leaves all basal, oblong-lanceolate, 12-10 cm long, entire or coarsely toothed. Scapes several, bearing a long terminal dense cylindrical spike and many sessile lateral ones, 10-15 cm long. Spikelets 2-3-flowered, 2-bracteate. Outer bract liner-subulate, 1.5 times as long as the inner bract. Calyx funnel-shaped, tube glandular 10-ribbed in the lower part; limb equal to the tube, 5-lobed, lobes lavender; nerves 5, excurrent. Corolla pink.

    Fl. Per.: April-May.

    Type: A cultivated specimen of Central Asiatic province (LE).

    Distribution: Soviet Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan. Cultivated in W. Pakistan.


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