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Pakistan | Family List | Capparidaceae | Cleome

Cleome scaposa DC., Prodr. 1: 239. 1824. Pax & Hoffm, l.c. 211; Elffers et al., l.c. 4; Hedge & Lamond, l.c. 15.

  • Cleome gracilis Edgew.
  • Cleome linearis Stocks ex T. Anders.
  • Cleome papillosa Steud.

    Herbs annual or perennating, 10-30 cm tall, slender, erect, sparsely branched from below, hairy with glandular or eglandular hairs. Leaves simple, suborbicular to ovate-elliptic; blade 10-20 (-25) mm long, 5-20 mm broad, scabrous or papillose; petiole 5-20 mm long, ciliate hairy; upper leaves almost subsessile. Inflorescence rather lax, racemose, elongated, increasing up to 20 cm in fruit, often bracteate below. Flowers 3-4 mm across, actinomorphic, white turning yellowish rarely pinkish; pedicel 2.5-4.5 mm long increasing up to 10 mm in fruit, filiform, ultimate¬ly spreading, slender. Sepals about 2 mm long, elliptic, glandular pubescent. Petals 3-4 mm long, oblong-obovate, yellowish. Stamens 6, about as long as the petals, not exserted. Capsule linear, 20-30 (-35) mm long, 1 mm broad, slender, sessile, often spreading and arcuately curved, glabrous or slightly glanular, many seeded; style minute; seeds about 0.6 mm in diam., glabrous, minutely granulate, brown-black.

    Type: Egypt, collector not known (G).

    Distribution: North and Tropical Africa, Egypt, Arabia, West Pakistan and India.


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