Sameraria armena subsp. faccida Jafri, ssp.nov.
Pedicelli fructiferi flaccidi, deflexi, 10-15 (-20) mm longi. Petala c. 4 mm longa. Sepalis persistentibus in fructu immaturis. Silicula albo floccoso-tomentosa, leviter cordata, ad basin anguste profunde emarginata, ad apicem minute acumi¬nata.
F1.Per.: April-June.
Type: Afghanistan, Harirud valley, Aitchison 181 (K).
Distribution: Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Differs from the type subspecies by its longer, widely spaced pedicels, persis¬tent sepals in young fruits which are densely whitish floccose-tomentose. Very similar to Sameraria stenophylla Rech.f. except the persistant sepals and broa¬der leaves, but more gatherings may show that they are, perhaps, one and the same taxon, with wide range of variations of leaves. The intermediate flower size keeps it near to Sameraria armena but the fruits are like Sameraria stenophylla.
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