Arabidopsis russelliana Jafri in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edin. 22: 97. 1956. R.R. Stewart, l.c. 299.
Annual, c. 65 cm tall, erect, much branched above, sparsely hairy with short, simple and branched hairs below and subglabrous above. Basal and lower leaves scarcely rosulate, runcinnate-pinnatifid, stalked, up to 8 cm long, 2 cm broad, 5-7-jugate, withering in fruits, all lobes almost equal; upper leaves much smaller, linear-oblong, sessile. Flowers and fruits very similar to A. wallichii, but stigma subsessile on blunt fruit apices.
Fl. Per.: June, July.
Type: Karakorum, Kerolugma glacier, right bank, c. 3900 m, 27. VII. 1939, R.S. Russell 1855 (BM).
Distribution: Endemic to Karakorum.
Very similar to Arabidopsis taraxacifolia (T. And.) Jafri in its small hairs, but much taller and branched above, lower leaves few, not rosulate, differently lobed, and fruits blunt with subsessile stigma. An intermediate species between Arabidopsis wallichii and Arabidopsis taraxacifolia, but lower leaves not rosulate, differently lobed, fruits 6-7 cm long with blunt apices and subsessile stigma.