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Pakistan | Family List | Orobanchaceae | Orobanche

Orobanche psila Clarke ex Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4:327. 1884. R.R. Stewart, l.c. 673.

Annual or biennial, 30-40 cm tall, simple, furfuraceously pubescent, stem not thickened. Scales 12-25 mm long, lanceolate, subulate. Spikes 5-7.5 cm long, lax. Bracts as long as the corolla; bracteoles linear-filiform, ± as long as the calyx. Calyx divided almost completely into 2 segments, ± half as long as the bract or corolla; each segment 2-fid above with subulate teeth. Corolla 12-16 (-18) mm long, blue, curved, pubescent; lobes obtuse, almost villous within, upper rounded, lower 2, elliptic. Stamen filaments pubescent, anthers sparsely crinite.

Type: Kashmir, Manpanon, 9000 ft., C.B. Clarke (K).

Distribution: Endemic to Kashmir.

Differs from Orobanche coelestis by its bracts being much longer than the bracteoles and calyx. Stewart, (l.c. 673) cites Clarke 29569 as the type of Orobanche psila but includes it under Orobanche orientals Beck; the two can be distinguished by their calyces, divided completely into 2 segments in the former while it is campanulate in the latter with adnate bracteoles.


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