Conocarpus latifolius DC.
A tall deciduous tree, up to 24 m tall, but normally of smaller size with whitish grey smooth bark, younger parts pubescent or glabrous. Leaves alternate or subopposite, broadly elliptic or ovate, 5-10 x 3-5 cm, obtuse or shortly retuse, coriaceous, pubescent when young, secondary nerves 8-14 pairs, prominent beneth, petiole 7-15 mm long. Inflorescence dense globose head, 6-10 mm in diameter, one or more peduncle from the same leaf axil, sometimes branched peduncle equal to pedicel; bracteole very minute, nearly rusty pubescent. Hypanthium 2 mm long, pubescent to glabrous, campanulate, limb 2 mm across, teeth small, broadly triangular. Stamens exserted. Fruit almost glabrous, orbicular, 5 (excluding the beak) x 6 mm, laterally winged, long beaked, beak equal to or longer than the main body of the fruit, yellowish brown, crowded in a globose head.
Fl. Per.: May-June.
Type: Described from India.
Distribution: India, Ceylon and Kashmir.
Stewart, l.c. has reported this species from Jammu foot hills (fide Lambert). It is likely to occur in our region.
Its wood is used for agricultural instruments and in house building. Leaves are used for tanning and a gum extracted from it, is used in calico printing.