Hibiscus pungens Roxb.
Annual or perennial bristly herb. Leaves 5-20 cm long and orbicular to broadly ovate, glabrous or densely stellate pubescent on both sides, cordate at base, 3-7-lobed or parted; lobes variable in shape, ovate to lanceolate, or obovate or elliptic, entire to coarsely serrate or dentate; stipules 5-12 mm long, filiform, linear or lanceolate; petiole 3-25 cm long, glabrous or hispid. Flowers axillary; solitary; pedicel 1-5 cm long, in fruit up to 7 cm, usually hispid. Epicalyx segments 4-5, 1-3 cm long, 0.5-1 cm broad, ovate to oblong, usually hirsute on both sides, margin simple, stiff hairy. Calyx 2-3 cm long. Corolla 7-10 cm across, yellow with a purple spot at the base; petals usually obovate, 3.5-8 cm long, 3-6 cm broad. Staminal tube 1.5-3 cm long, glabrous. Capsule 3.5-6 cm long, 2-2.5 cm across, oblong-ovoid, 5-angular, acuminate, valves coriaceous. Seeds many, 3-4 mm across, globular or reniform, black, glabrescent.
Holotype: Rox burgh's Icone no. 1585 (K !).
Distribution: India, Pakistan, China, Malesia, Philippines and N. Australia.
It rarely occurs in Pakistan. Hotson (1916-18) collected from Ornach, Baluchistan (fide Stewart, 1972). I have seen one specimen from N.W.F.P. in Medicinal Botany Herbarium, Forest Institute, Peshawar, which is presently misplaced.