Thespesia populneoides (Roxb.) Kostel., Allg. Med.Pharm.Fl. 5: 1861. 1836. Fosberg & Sachet, l.c.10.f. 3,4 & 6.
Hibiscus populneoides Roxb.Tespesia howii HuThespesia banalo BlancoThespesia populnea var. populneoides (Roxb.) Pierre
A medium sized tree. Young parts densely brownish, peltate, hairy, appearing as bronzed or coppery. Leaves long acuminate, peltate hairy, less so on older leaves but never glabrous; in the axil of basal nerves beneath small nectaries generally present; stipules linear, 2-3 mm long, 1 mm broad, caducous. Flowers solitary, axillary; pedicel tending to droop, 5-12 cm long, c. 2 mm across, not articulate or inconspicuously so in fruit; bracteole 1 near the base, without bracteate joint, linear. Young fruits and buds when cut exude yellow gum (latex); mature fruit densely peltate hairy, very hard, indehiscent, epicarp dehiscing. Seeds with dense, small, clavate or bulbous hairs.
Lectotype: India, Wallich 1888 F (K!).
Distribution: Coastal parts of the Indian Ocean and its islands, probably introduced in W. Africa, cultivated elsewhere.
It is commonly cultivated along the roadside in Karachi.
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