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Pakistan | Family List | Malvaceae | Abutilon

Abutilon muticum (Del.ex DC.) Sweet, Hort.ed. 2.65. 1830. Webb, Fragm. Fl. Aethiop-Aegypt. 51.1854.

  • Abutilon asiaticum Guill. Perr.
  • Abutilon malirianum Hus. & Baq.
  • Sida mutica del. (Fl.Aegypt.illustr. 20.n.633.1813 nom.nud.) ex DC.

    Perennial herb or shrub, 0.5-2 m tall, stellate pubescent. Leaves 2-16 cm across, ovate to orbicular-ovate or orbicular, irregularly and minutely to coarsely serrate or subentire or crenate, usually cordate at base, obtuse to acute or shortly acuminate at apex, 7-9 nerved, stellate pubescent on both sides, scabrous above, more densely hairy and velvety beneath, sometimes 3-angular near the apex; petiole 2-12 (-18) cm long, stellate pubescent, velvety; stipules 6-8 mm long, 1 mm broad, linear, reflexed. Flowers axillary, solitary or fascicled; pedicel 0.5-1.5 cm long, in fruit up to 3.5 cm, articulate in the middle to near the apex. Calyx 7-8 mm long, in fruit up to 10 mm, fused to the middle, pubescent on both sides; lobes ovate to deltoid, acuminate, 4-5 mm broad. Corolla 2-2.6 cm across, yellow to orange-yellow, 2-2.5 times the length of calyx; petals 10-12 mm across, obovate, claw hairy on the margin. Staminal tube 4-5 mm long, stellate pubescent. Fruit usually globose, sometimes truncate, 9-12 mm in diameter; mericarps 27-39, usually obtuse, 6-7 mm long, 5-6 mm broad, separating after dehiscence. Seeds usually 2 in each mericarp, rarely only 1 by abortion, 2 mm across, pubescent, reniform.

    Holotype: Egypt, Coquebert s.n. (G-DC!).

    Distribution: Tropical Africa, Arabia, India and Pakistan.

    It occurs in plains throughout Pakistan, more common in Sindh.


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