Sida alii S.Abedin in Pak. J. Bot. 11(1):48. 1979.
An undershrub, ± 60 cm tall, stellate tomentose. Leaves variable in size and shape, cm long, 1-1.5 cm broad, lanceolate to ovate, crenate, regularly or irregularly serrate or dentate, obtuse or acute; stipule linear, 2-4 mm long; petiole 7-15 mm long. Flowers axillary, solitary; pedicel 1.5-2 cm long, in fruit 2-3.5 cm long, glabrescent, articulate near the top, in flowering pedicel articulation not prominent. Calyx fused to the middle, ± 7 mm long and broad; lobes acuminate, triangular, c. 3 mm broad. Corolla yellow. Fruit depressed, globular, beaked, 5-6 mm across, pubescent at the top; mericarps (6-) 7-8, with 2 short, less than 1 mm, connivent awns, indehiscent, redially and dorsally with raised reticulation, c. 3 mm long, radially c. 3 mm broad, dorsally c. 2 mm broad. Seed c. 2 mm in diameter, dark brown.
Holotype: Jhelum Dist.: 3 miles from Choia Saidan Shah on way to Kalar Kahar, flowers yellow M.Qaiser 2812A (KUH).
Distribution: Endemic to Pakistan.
This species is closely allied to Sida ovate Forssk. from which it may be differentiated by its solitary and yellow flowers, long, glabrescent pedicels which are jointed near the top, and mericarp with raised reticulation on the redial surface. It resembles Sida pakistanica S.Abedin in its mericarp, but differs by small, subangular calyx not enclosing the fruit.