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Pakistan | Family List | Poaceae | Setaria

Setaria verticillata x viridis (Setaria ambigua (Guss.) Guss., Fl. Sic. Syn. 1:114. 1843. non Schrad. 1838; Setaria decipiens Schimp. ex Nyman, Consp. Fl. Eur. 787. 1882, nom. nud.).

occurs in Europe and parts of Asia where the parents grow together. It has the untidily lobed panicle and hispidulous rhachis of Setaria verticillata, and the spikelets and antrorsely scabrid bristles of Setaria viridis. The only specimen collected so far form Pakistan (B-7 Hazara dist.: 6 miles form Kaghan on way to Naran, c.7000, Sultanul Abedin & M. Qaiser 8902 (KUH) is sterile, but it seems that fertile plants have arisen in Europe and have become established.


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