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Pakistan | Family List | Tamaricaceae | Myricaria

2b. Myricaria germanica ssp. alopecuroides (Schrenk) Kitam., Fl. Afgh. 272. 1960. Fl. West Pak. & Afgh. 105. 1964; Qaiser, l.c. 201.


  • Myricaria alopecuroides Schrenk
  • Myricaria bracteata Royle
  • Myricaria germanica var. alopecuroides* (Schrenk) Maxim.
  • Myricaria germanica var. bracteata (Royle) Franch.
  • Myricaria germanica* sensu Dyer
  • Myricaria macrostachya Kar. & Kir.
  • Myricaria scharti Vass.

    Erect shrub, bark yellowish-grey to pinkish, glabrous, with inconspicuous ridges and furrows. Leaves simple, alternate, sessile, larger on the main branches than on lateral, linear lanceolate to narrowly ovate, obtuse to subacute, more or less rounded at the base, 2-6 (-8) mm long, 0.5-2 (-3) mm broad. Racemes mostly terminal rarely lateral, dense, (5-) 8-20 (-30) cm long, 1-1.5 cm broad. Flowers pink or pinkish white, pedicel 2-4 mm long, each flower subtended by a bract, bracts broadly ovate, trapezoid, long acuminate, irregularly-dentate recurved at the apex, 5-10 (-13) mm long, c. 5 mm broad. Sepals 5, united at the base, lanceolate to lancolate-ovate, 4-4.5 mm long, 1 mm broad, obtuse-subacute, scarious at the margin. Petals oblong, elliptic oblong, 5-7 mm long, slightly notched on one side Stamens united half-two third of their length, free portion dilated at base, long stamens 4-5 mm long, shorter 3-4 mm long, anthers dorsifixed, 0.5 mm long, obtuse. Carpel 5-8 mm long, ovary pyramidal with sessile capitate stigma. Capsule elongated pyramidal 8-10 mm long, 3 mm broad, dehiscing by 5 longitudinal valves.

    Fl.Per.: June-August.

    Holotype: In Sibiriae altaiceae des Soongoro-Kirghisico in ripa fluvi, Koksu 14th. June s.n. (LE n.v.); Iso. (K).

    Distribution: India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China and Eastern Russia.


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