7. Campanula sulaimanii E. Nasir, sp. nov.
Planta perennis. Caules florifer, c. 35 cm alti, glabri, tenues. Folia linearia, 1-5x1-2 cm, glabri. Flores ad ramos terminales 2-3 dispositi racemum laxum formantes. Calycis laciniae fere ad basin calycorum attingentes, c. 1 cm longa nervis mediis ad basin valde tumidis. Corolla c. 2 cm longa, purpurea, lobs obtusis apice acuminatis. Stylus in corollam inclusus.
Perennial, c. 35 cm tall, base woody; branched from the base. Stems slender, glabrous, lower parts whitish, upper brownish. Leaves linear, 1-5 cm x 1-2 mm, glabrous, margin slightly ciliate. Inflorescence a lax raceme at the ends of branches, 2-3-flowered. Calyx lobes 5, split almost to the base, segments c. 1 cm long, slightly hairy, mid-rib of the segments swollen prominently at the base. Corolla c. 2 cm long, purple, lobes obtuse with short pointed tips. Anthers 5 mm long. Style and stigmas included in corolla. Style hairy, stigmas 3, linear.
Fl. Per.: May-August.
Type: Sulaiman Range, 45 km from Fort Sandeman to D.I. Khan, J. Lamond 1666 (E).
Distribution: Sulaiman and Salt Ranges in Pakistan.
This taxon resembles Campanula sylvatica in facies but is a more robust plant, perennial and almost glabrous. It has larger flowers with the calyx segments split almost to the base and with prominent swollen ribs. Campanula sylvaica is an annual plant and is very hairy.