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Pakistan | Family List | Primulaceae | Primula

7. Primula elliptica Royle, Illustr. Bot. Himal. Mount. 311, t. 76, Fig. 2. 1836. Duby, l.c.44; Hook. f., l.c. 488; Watt in J. Roy. Hort. Soc. 29:299, 313. 1904; Pax in Engler, Planzenr. 22:78.1905; Coventry, Wild Flowers of Kashmir, ser. 2:96. Pl. 35. 1927; Blatter, Beautiful Flowers of Kashmir, 2:21.t. 38. f. 5. 1929; W.W. Smith & H.R. Fletcher in Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 61(1):60. 1943.


  • Primula denticulata* Wight
  • Primula spathulacea Jacquemont ex Duby

    A glabrous efarinose perennial. Leaves synanthus, with a more or less distinct petiole, lamina (including petiole) 3-9.5 x 1-2.5 cm, elliptic to elliptic-oblong or oblong-orbicular, irregularly dentate, midrib prominent on the under-surface, glabrous. Scape 6-13 cm long, up to 30 cm in fruit, 2-7(-8)-flowered. Bracts 8-12 mm long, lanceolate, glabrous, saccate; pedicel 5-9 mm long, not exceeding the bracts, sparse glandulose. Flowers heteromorphic, pink-violet, blue or purple. Calyx 7.5-9 mm long, tubular-campanulate, c. ½ cleft; lobes ovate lanceolate, acute. Corolla tube exceeding the calyx length or more; limb 12 mm broad, lobes 5.5-7.5 x 4.5-7 mm, obcordate, throat yellow, exannulate. Style 2 mm long in thrum-eyed flowers. Capsule subglobose and included in the calyx. Seeds up to 1 mm long, rarely more, brown, reticulate, vesiculose on the margins.

    Fl. Per.: July-August.

    Holotype: Kashmir, Royle in 1831 (DD, iso. LIV !).

    Distribution: N.W. Himalaya from Kashmir to Tehri-Garhwal.

    In facies like Primula rosea Royle, but differs in the leaf shape, the deeper leaf serrations, the larger petioles, and the colour of the flower. Its flowering period is also later. Found on moist hilly slopes or near melting snow from 3300-4877 m.


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