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Pakistan | Family List | Primulaceae | Androsace

2a. Androsace rotundifolia ssp. rotundifolia


  • Androsace elegans Duby
  • Androsace incise Wall.
  • Androsace rotundifolia var. incise (Wall.) Knuth
  • Androsace rotundifolia var. macrocalyx Watt

    Fl. Per.: April-August.

    Holotype: On highest mountains of Sreenagur, Hardwicke 41 (iso. BM!).

    Distribution: Afghanistan, N.W. Himalaya from Kashmir to Kumaon.

    Occasionally the type subspecies exhibits stolons, as observed in my collection no. 8478 from Patriata in the Murree hills and Naseeb Khans collection from Sandapal (Khyber Agency). They recall to mind Androsace geraniifolia Watt from the Kumaon Himalaya, which altogether is a more robust plant with well developed stolons. There is also some agreement to Androsace croftii Watt as given by Knuth (1905, p. 173-174). Bowes Lyon coll. no. 698 (W) from lower Chitral appears to be transitional between the type subspecies and the ssp. glandulosa; the indument is that of the latter, but bracts and calyx similar to the former. Aitchison’s Coll no. 169 (K!) is cited by Knuth (1905, p. 178) as a form of the var. pusilla Knuth, but it does not differ radically from the type subspecies.

    The type subspecies is common in the N.W. & W. Himalaya from altitudes of 800-3300 m.


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