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Pakistan | Family List | Primulaceae | Androsace

2b. Androsace rotundifolia ssp. glandulosa (Hook. f.) Y. Nasir, stat. nov.


  • Androsace rotundifolia var. glandulosa Hook. f.

    (Holotype: W. Tibet, 7-12000', T. Thomson 7 (E! iso. at K! B! CGE!).

    Distribution: The N.W. Himalaya from Kashmir to Lahul, W. Nepal.

    The ssp. glandulosa differs from the type subspecies in the characters outlined in the key.

    The ssp. glandulosa also does not have as wide a distribution, being absent from the Western areas of Waziristan and Baluchistan. It occurs in high dry areas from 2400-4267 m. Fl. Per.: May-mid-August.

    The following taxa included under Androsace rotundifolia, have not been seen by the author:

    A. var. elatoir Knuth in Engler, Pflanzenr. 22 (IV. 237): 177.1905.

    The variety according to Knuth (l.c.) occurs in Kashmir. I have not seen any authentic Type material. According to Knuth the variety differs from the Type variety in the indument and corolla equalling the calyx in length.

    B. var. nepalensis Kitamura in Fauna and Flora of Nepal Himalaya 1:195.1952–53.

    The taxon is described as having small (2 mm) and entire bracts, pedicels 4-7 mm long and calyx 3 mm long. The distribution is given from Kashmir to Nepal and Afghanistan. Gould (in Hara, Chater & Williams, Enum. Pl. Nepal 3:63. 1982) cites the species as a synonym of Androsace geraniifolia.


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