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Pakistan | Family List | Acanthaceae | Justicia

9. Justicia tinctoria (Oerst.) D. Gibson, Fieldiana Bot. 34(6): 74. 1972. Durkee in Woodson & Scherry, Fl. Panama in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 65: 226. 1978.


  • Jacobinia tinctoria (Oerst.) Hemsley
  • Sericographis tinctoria Oerst.

    A large shrub, upto 2 m, with subterete to ± quadrangular glabrous or ± hairy branchlets. Leaves with up to 2 cm long petioles; lamina oblong-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 5-12 (-17) x 1.5-5 (-5.5) cm, apex acuminate, bass attenuate, entire, glabrous, cystoliths on upper side dense. Flowers showy, pale-red to dark pink or orange, 4-4.5 cm long in lax axillary spicate-panicle, spikes 3-4 cm long, glabrous; bracts and bracteoles triangular-subulate, 1-2 mm long, glabrous, ciliolate at the base. Calyx lobes subulate, 1.5-3 mm long, glabrous. Corolla glabrous outside, tube 2-3 cm long, the lips subequal, upper lip erect, ovate, minutely 2-dentate, lower lip oblong, ± keeled, with 3 obtuse lobes. Staminal filaments glabrous, anther lobes unequal, obliquely attached on the connective, mucronulate, basally acute. Capsule glabrous.

    Fl. Per.: March-May.

    Type: Described from Cartago, Costa Rica, Oersted 170.

    Distribution: A native of Tropical America, cultivated in gardens as an ornamental in Pakistan and elsewhere.


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