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Pakistan | Family List | Acanthaceae | Justicia

11. Justicia ventricosa Wall., Pl. Asiat, Rar. 1:80. t. 93. 1830. Clarke in Hook. f., l.c. 526; Parker, For, Fl. Punj. 3rd. ed. 390. 1956.


  • Adhatoda ventricosa Nees
  • Gendarussa ventricosa Nees

    An erect, up to 1.2 m, glabrous shrublet with stout, obtusely 4-angled, opposite branches. Leaves on c. 5-6 mm long petioles; lamina ± fleshy, oblong-elliptic, 10-15 x 3-7 cm, glabrous, ± acute, entire, basally attenuate to petiole inflorescence a dense, terminal, 5-9 cm long spike. Flowers white with red spots, subsessile, c. 1.8 cm long; bracts imbricated, elliptic-orbicular, 8-12 mm long and broad, puberulous; bracteoles 2, opposite, subulate, 3-4 mm long, puberulous. Calyx 5-lobed, lobes erect, subulate-lanceolate, as long as bracteoles. Corolla tube cylindrical, pubescent outside; upper lip oblong, shorter than tube, ± notched; lower lip ± ovate-oblong, reflexed-patent, shortly 3-lobed. Staminal filaments white, filiform, hairy; anther lobes dimorphic, one oblong, the other hemisphaerical-ovate. Style filiform, white. Capsule oblong, 8-10 mm long, pubescent.

    Fl. Per.: February-April.

    Type: “Habitat in China”, In Hortum Botanicum Calcuttae misit Dom J. Reeves anno 1820.

    Distribution: China, Burma, India and Pakistan.

    Cultivated in gardens in Lahore and elsewhere as an ornamental.


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