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Pakistan | Family List | Boraginaceae | Heliotropium

13. Heliotropium remotiflorum Rech. f. and Riedl in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 48:35. 1967. Kazmi, l.c.


A suberect branched perennial. Stem and branches appressed hairy with shorter hairs (less than 0.5 mm long) mixed with longer ones (up to 0.8 mm) with tubercled bases. Petiole up to 5 mm long. Leaves 7-10 x 5-6 mm, ovate-obtuse, entire to slightly wavy, appressed hairy on both surfaces. Inflorescence terminal, up to 5.5 cm in fruit, with flowers distantly placed. Calyx c. 2.5 mm long, hairy, 5-partite with broad lanceolate lobes. Corolla 2.5-3 mm long, retroresely hairy to the outside, sparsely so in the throat. Lobes c. 0.9 mm long, ovate, broader at the base, attached c. 0.9 mm from the corolla base. Stigma 1 mm long, conical, apex sparsely bristly. Style 0.2 mm long. Fruit c. 2 mm long, globose-ovoid. Nutlets appressed hairy on the back, brown.

Fl. Per.: April-May.

Type: Makran: Sunstar-Kikki, Rech. f. 27990 (W, isotype B).

Distribution: Endemic.


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