20. Heliotropium subulatum (DC.) Vatke, Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 25:166. 1875. Jafri, Fl. Kar. 278.1966; Kazmi, l.c. 157; Bhandari, Fl. Ind. Desert. 237 1978.
Heliotropium zeylanicum* auct. non Lam.Messerschmidia hispida Benth.Tournefortia edgeworthii DC.Tournefortia royleana DC.Tournefortia subulata Hochst. ex DC.
A branched perennial up to 50 cm tall. Stem and branches covered with white to brownish spreading hairs up to 1.8 mm long with a bulbous base. Petiole of lower stem leaves up to 1 cm long. Leaves 20-56 (-70) x 6-15 mm, lanceolate acute, margin entire to undulate, hairy on both surfaces; shorter hairs appressed longer ones spreading and with a bulbous base; nerves impressed on upper surface Inflorescence terminal, 4-20 cm long, simple or forked, with close set uniseriate flowers. Calyx ± cupular, 2/3rd partite; lobes lanceolate, appressed hairy. Corolla yellowish, tube 3.5-4 mm long, appressed hairy. Limb spreading, lobes 1-1.5 mm long, caudate-acuminate, the sinuses minutely dentate. Anthem 1 mm long oblong, attached 2 mm above corolla base. Stigma 1 mm long, conical, appressed hairy at apex. Style longer than stigma, glabrous. Fruit globose-compressed. Nutlets 4, c. 2.2 mm long, ovoid, brown, back rugose.
Fl. Per.: November-April.
Type: Abyssinia, Schimper 1285 (G-DC).
Distribution: N.E. and C. Africa, Pakistan, India.
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